Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Woman's Perspective: Relationship Status

A few weeks ago, over some delicious pumpkin and cream cheese swirl french toast, a friend and I were talking about a guy that she started seeing. They haven't been dating that long, but the signs that he was giving her, made her bring up the question to him. "Are we in a relationship?" His answer was no, that it was 'too early'. Understood, although he was already leaving his toothbrush and clothes at her apartment. To her, those are clues that your in a relationship, to him, it's not.

So that got me thinking; how do we know when we are in a relationship with someone? When do you start referring to each other as boyfriend/girlfriend? When do you know that you are exclusive, understanding that you will not be seeing other people, and assuming the other person is doing the same?

Even for the women that claim they 'think like a guy', and 'don't care or want to have the label'; don't you still have to know what the boundaries are from 'just dating' to 'in a relationship'? Making sure you don't cross the line, giving the other person the wrong impression?

It seems so complicated now. I remember when my first real boyfriend asked, "Will you go out with me?" That question right there meant you two were a couple. Boyfriend/Girlfriend. So what it may sound so 'high school', but at least it was straight forward.

So how do you know your in a relationship?

Do you just assume, because you ' have that feeling'? You risk the chance the other person doesn't feel the same way, and he is still seeing other people.

Is it when you meet his parents? I mean, that could potentially take a long time, which leaves your relationship status questionable for awhile.

Is it when he starts leaving his clothes at your place? Or when he gets you a toothbrush for his place?

Holy over analyzing your entire relatio..errr...whatever it is!

When it comes down to it, it's better just to 'have the talk.' But you have to be prepared to hear an answer you don't want to, but at least you will know, and finally have an understanding of what the other person may classify as a relationship. If you feel you aren't on the same page as that person, and that is not something you can handle, then you may need to move on.

Or, you can appreciate the little things. That although leaving his toothbrush at your place doesn't mean your in a relationship to him, it's something that makes you smile. And although 'it's too soon' for him, this moment is just right, and you have to learn how to love the value of that. Not the value of a so called relationship status.

This being said, the instant that your friends start asking, "Well, if you guys are just seeing one another, then why aren't you in a relationship? Or why isn't it on Facebook?"

Now, we're back to square one. Social media has ruined every chance that we have just to be satisfied with our relationship as it is. It always has to be official. "If it's not Facebook official, it's not real." So now that you convinced yourself that you were okay with not having the 'relationship label' at the moment, you have to convince your friends too, which is very unlikely.

...and for the rest of the day you'll be thinking about what your friends said and over analyzing what you've got going on with this other person.

My best suggestion, as I've forced myself to learn, be happy with what you have. As long as he is treating you right and you both agree to see or not see other people, then you've got it made.

Save that over analyzing and begging for a label when you're yearning for the ring ; )

Monday, March 18, 2013

Charming, huh?

There are certain things women can not resist.

Sometimes their shiny or rustic. Silver or Gold. Classy or edgy...

..but accessories will always catch a woman's eye. The saying is "Diamonds are a girl's best friend."

Well unless we're all independent women buying our own diamonds and buying our rings, we're probably going to have to downgrade from diamonds to rhinestones.

I love being able to buy new accessories to make or re-make an outfit that was already worn.

But they can get expensive, and shopping for accessories can be a frustrating adventure when everything is misplaced, earrings are missing their backs, and you can't find a simple long gold necklace because they all have an owl on them (hint hint..Forever 21...)

I used to love shopping for accessories at Forever 21, until I found Charming Charlie, which is a plethora of accessories of all kinds for a great price.

For those prone to OCD behaviors like myself, you'll appreciate and obsess over the fact that every single thing is organized by ROYGBIV.

You need a navy blue bubble necklace? No more searching through all the necklaces at the store. You just find the blue section. Ah, simplicity. It's the little things.

If you love accessories but are limited to a low price range, change your style everyday, or can never wear the same earrings twice, check out Charming Charlie.

A few of my accessories from Charming Charlie. The coral bracelet still has the tag on. I went shopping Saturday, which is what prompted me to tell you about this wonderful store!

Friday, March 15, 2013

I Heart Pinterest: Green Pudding

In honor of St. Patty's Day, I wanted to make something festive. And tasty too.

St. Patrick's Day Green Pudding Dessert

What You'll Need:
2 boxes of Jello Vanilla Flavor Instant Pudding
3 1/2 C Milk
1 t of Green Food Coloring
1 tub of Cool Whip (yea, you know how I said it)
1 Package of Oreos, crushed

I started off by crushing all my Oreos (and eating a few along the way..)

Next, pour your milk into a large bowl. Add the food coloring. Stir.

Add in your two pudding packets to milk mixture, and whisk until well blended (about two minutes). Let the pudding form for 5 minutes.

After the pudding has formed, add in the tub of Cool Whip, carefully stirring together.

It a bowl (or whatever you want to put it in) layer crushed cookies and pudding mixture.

FYI, you will never be able to create straight even layers. The pudding just sinks right into the cookies!

Garnish as desired, and let cool for ATLEAST an hour.


Happy St. Patty's Day!!

Find more St. Patrick's inspired foods and crafts on my Pinterest board.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Woman's Perspective: St. Patrick's Day

For women, St. Patrick's Day has become the new Halloween. The one night (now the second) a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it. Thank you, Mean Girls.

St. Patty's Day has become a day where we dress up like Slutty Irish Fairies; tutus, knee socks, tiaras, and all. 

St. Patrick's Day is where women indulge in their inner child and wear stickers on their cheeks and glitter on their eyes.

St. Patrick's Day is when it becomes socially acceptable to wear green nail polish and not be accused of having a fungal infection.
St. Patrick's Day is when women where shirts with some tacky, yet humorous, phrase on their shirts that makes them sound like their trying to sell themselves. Oops.

St. Patrick's Day is when women completely blow their 'Spring Break' workouts and diets to chug down green beer and Irish Car Bombs. The day after St. Patrick's Day is when we bitch about how much weight we gained because of that beer, unless we threw enough of it up.

St. Patrick's Day in Chicago is when women actually get excited about nature; seeing the river dyed green, giving the go-ahead to start drinking all day.

St. Patrick's Day is when women follow the instructions on the pin "Kiss Me, I'm Irish"...well only if he's hot. After a few shots of whiskey, women follow the instructions on everyone, even if they aren't wearing the pin.

St. Patrick's Day is where all women want to be with an Irishman. The next morning, their complaining he drinks to much and ..."Oh. My. God. He's a ginger."

Monday, March 11, 2013

Coffee Coffee Coffee

I, as well as many other twenty-something women, love coffee. Love isn't even the right word.

Addicted. That's better.

But of course, it's expensive. Well, if you like froofy coffee drinks it's expensive.

Skinny White Chocolate Mocha Latte. Can't get that for less than $2.00.

Once in awhile I'll go to Dunkin Donuts, but that's only because the boyfriend is with me, cause Starbucks isn't his thing.

So how is that I get to drink 2+ froofy tasting coffees a day?

Costco-size coffee bags + Flavored Creamer = froofy coffee (especially if you put a lot of creamer in!)

So when I see girls who post pictures of their Starbucks cups on Facebook and Instagram, and then later bitch about not having money, I shake my head. Maybe if you stop spending $4.75 on coffee everyday, you wouldn't have a problem. I know, it's hard to quit, its like crack, but you can still splurge maybe once a week when you go on a coffee date with your bestie.

In honor of St.Patty's day (a re-occurring blog theme this week!), I've been using this creamer. Ah, the day I first saw this in the store..I jumped for joy. Now I can have my Bailey's coffee before work, without feeling like a lush (aka it doesn't have alcohol in it)

Friday, March 8, 2013

I Heart Pinterest: Dinner

Before I started having the organized days for my blog, I was already making recipes I found on Pinterest. You all seemed to really like it, so I've decided to continue it, I'll just be doing a bigger variety of foods :)
Today is dinner. But who knows, maybe a few weeks down the road...a dessert...breakfast..a snack!

I know you all have food boards on your Pinterest, and I hope this inspires you to start cooking too. It's really a great place to start when you have no idea what your doing, like me.

I made this recipe last Saturday, when I was back in the 'burbs at my parents. I don't think there is anything out there that says 'home sweet home' more than a Chicken Pot Pie. Strangely enough, I'm not a fan of the whole 'pie' part, but I came across a Chicken Pot Pie Pasta that looked just right for my taste buds. You can find the original recipe here. Go figure, Martha Stewart. Love that woman.

What You'll Need:
Salt N Peppa
3/4 lb Penne Pasta
1/3 lb Green Beans, cut into 1 in pieces
3 T Unsalted Butter
1 Small Yellow Onion, minced
1 Stalk Celery, thinly sliced
2 Carrots, diced medium
1/4 C All-Purpose Flour
2 C Chicken Broth
2 C diced Cooked Chicken

FYI: I had to double my recipe. This recipe says it makes six, but when its that good and you already have 6 people, make more.

So before I went up north, I had my dad pre-cook the chicken. If there is one thing I hate, its cooking chicken. It also just made the process go a lot faster.

As I always do, prepare the ingredients before hand. Sometimes recipes will say 'meanwhile, chop beans'. Well ya know what? I'm a slow cutter, mincer, slicer, and dicer. I get my stuff organized before I start (it gave the beans some time to thaw too which made them peeerfect).
All my things prepared :) Oh, and some wine. Always cook with wine.

After you've prepped, or maybe even at the tail end of prepping, start your water.

Once it boils, dump in your pasta and cook it 3 minutes less than the package instructions. For the last three minutes, dump in your green beans. Cook the beans and pasta together for the last three minutes, drain.

While Your Pasta is Cooking: 
  • In a large saucepan, melt your butter on medium-high.
  • Add your onion, celery, and carrots. Cook until your onion is translucent (kind of hard to tell with the butter, its about 4 minutes)
  • Add in your flour, continually stirring for 1 minute
  • Gradually add in your broth, while continually stirring, then bring to a boil.
  • After you've reached a boil, let your mixture simmer for about 5 minutes.
  • Add your chicken, salt, and pepper, and stir. 
You then have to combine this two together. In the orginal recipe, it suggested adding the pasta to the chicken mixture. No. Especially if you doubled the recipe. Way too much foid to fit in a large saucepan. I just threw it all in a big bowl and then mixed it up

Nom. Nom. Nom.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Woman's Perspective : Twilight

This post is in honor of the final DVD of the Twilight Saga being released  this past Saturday! :)

Let me make this LOUD AND CLEAR before we start:

I'm not here to tell you why the Twilight Saga books and movies are the best out there (because they are not.) I'm not here to tell you you're stupid if you don't like Twilight. I'm not here to tell you why Rob Pattinson is sexy and TEAM EDWARD is the only way to be (haha, glad I got that out.) I also understand that this post is not every woman's perspective.

I'm here to try to explain why woman have such an infatuation with Twilight. I'd like you to also know, that when discussing this, I'm mostly relating it to the books (as we all know, even Twi-hards, the movies, although have progressively gotten better, and not award-worthy)

Alternate Reality

Our obsession with Twilight is just like any other obsession with a book. When reading a book a woman escapes into another world. We get attached to the characters and we call them our friends. We pick a character who we relate to the most, and that becomes the eyes we look through as were walking through this alternate reality. You've had a bad day? You pick up the book and you escape.


For most women, there is a yearning to find that love that we just can't live without. Twilight satisfies that fantasy. You take out all the supernatural make-believe creatures, and you have a first-love, young-adult romance novel. We lived through Bella during her awkward moments, to feeling butterflies when she first starts hanging around Edward. The time they first kissed? Ya, you felt that tingling too. When Edward left? You cried, you felt her pain, because as a girl, you've probably felt that pain before too, even if it lasted only a day. You went through her awkward friend phase with Jacob, and in real life you have 'your Jacob'. Edward comes back, they realize they can't live with out each other. They get married, they start a family, they live happily ever after. I don't care what anyone says, there is a small part in all women that craves that.


Of course, if the story was that easy we wouldn't want it. There has to be drama. I mean, come on, we're women. That's where the whole mythical creature things take the love story to a whole new level. It creates unbelievable twists and turns, but it keeps us reading.

The Idea of the 'Perfect Man'

Books are great because they let us create our own visuals. So of course it helps when all the male characters are extremely good-looking..and perfect. In the books, these characters are perfect because we don't ever have to see any of their flaws. Maybe Jacob has really bad morning breathe..but we don't have to wake up to that. I can't explain to you why some people have the hots for vampires (me!) and other werewolves. The idea of a rock-hard man who has everlasting energy, whose every characteristic was built to draw you in, and deep down inside he desperately just wants to bite you neck...there is just something HOT about that. It's the relationship that isn't supposed to be work, the forbidden, you always want what you can't have. That is the thing that drags woman into these leading characters. Of course, when they made the movies it became even more realistic for us, because they pretty accurately casted actors who fit our visions in our heads. They are perfect right? But we also don't have to deal with Rob Pattinson who didn't wash his hair for like...two weeks. It's just the idea of the perfect, we can't have it except in books, man

I read, and re-read, and re-watch the Twilight Saga because its satisfies that  fantasy of mine that I can't quite put a finger on (yet I tried to describe it above.) It brings back that feeling of firsts; the first kiss, the first time with someone (ugh, If only we all had Edward breaking our head board...). It gives us our yearning for 'can't live without you love'. It gives adventure and drama, but without the boyish guns and knives. Just vampires and werewolves. I read Twilight because I'm in the mood for love and lust. I read other books if I'm looking for something else. Simple as that.

It's the same with all books. They are meant for escaping the real world. Twilight just happens to have love, drama, and hot men. What more could a woman want?

Monday, March 4, 2013


It's honestly quite weird that I'm actually going to spend time recommending this product....
...nothing particularly exciting, but if you're a carboholic like me, and LOVE pasta, you must try this sauce.

It tastes like an expensive product, and something homemade. But in reality, I spent no more than $1.95 at Jewel.

My Go-To Pasta Sauce:

Essential Everyday Traditional Pasta Sauce
I can't even tell you why it's so good or describe to you the incredible flavor. It's just one of those things that makes you go "MMM..who made this?" and you wish it was you.

I stumbled upon this sauce by how I usually choose my products ; by the price. I'm a cheap-o and rarely buy brand-name goods anymore. Although Prego is still reasonable, Essential Everyday is cheaper (and tastier!). They make other amazing products as well -- pretty much every product they offer in the grocery store, they have an Essential Everyday option. Half of my cart at Jewel is filled with these products; from Almond Milk to plastic sandwich baggies.

Bonus: they always come with recipes on the back!

Clearly, you need to go check this out if I'm that excited and have dedicated time to writing about a cheap ass pasta sauce. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Breakin' Records

Here's what you missed....

Last Sunday, we went to the Blackhawks game. We WON! It was really exciting to be there after they also broke a record last Friday (if you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm sorry, but your not a fan.)

Speaking of #selfies ahahah

So while everyone else was watching the Oscars. I was enjoying the Blackhawks win (of course while checking my Twitter to see the winners!)

On Wednesday, I purchased my JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE AND JAY-Z TICKETS ON PRE-SALE!! So here is the story: I was waiting for the bus to go to work, scrolling through Facebook, when I came across B96, giving a reminder that pre-sale started in an hour. IMMEDIATE PANIC. I hadn't even set up my Ticketmaster account yet (which makes for a quicker and easier purchase). I found the pre-sale code on Facebook. When I got on the bus, I logged onto Ticketmaster and made myself an account. This is very very difficult on a bus, let alone on a screen the size of my hand. Let the shakes begin. I am not a spontaneous person. So, when I thought that I wasn't going to purchase these tickets till Thursday morning..and I had to improvise...the shaking just doesn't stop. So desperate, I even put my CC number in on the bus! As soon as I got off, speed walked as fast as I could without falling on the slush, to the work loft.  Got in, logged on, and impatiently waited till 10. It took me soooooo many tries just to get ticket options to appear. Finally, when they did. I wasn't satisfied. My poor boss; I'm just over there blabbing, so frustrated. So I would go back and try again, realizing how big of a risk I was taking, that those could be the only tickets left. Eventually, I got a section that I felt was reasonable for the price I was willing to pay. I would have loved to get seats closer, but I don't think they sell tickets for "On Top of JT".

After my 5 mile run yesterday morning (record broken!), we traveled to the burbs to hang with the fam. Oh, and to get this blonde spiced up! My hair was in need for someTLC. I made a delicious Chicken Pot-Pie Pasta for dinner. You'll see this recipe on Friday!! Last night we also stopped by a Johnsburg bar (for those of you familiar, the one in the old Raymond's Bowing Alley) to see a friend who works there. The bar had fire pits outside for those who want to smoke. It smelled like typical Johnsburg to me; bonfire smoke and beer.

This morning we traveled back into the city, and I took a short run outside. Beautiful perfect run. Although I'm no Bears Fan, it's quite awesome to be able to run around Soldier Field anytime I want.

Boyfriend's cousins (who I have yet to meet!) are in town and we will be joining them for dinner tonight! And guess what? They're Packer fans. They are already family to me :)

Hope you had a great weekend!

Friday, March 1, 2013

I Heart Pinterest: Bucket List

If you don't have a Pinterest now-a-days, that is a #firstworldproblem. If you don't even know what that word is, where have you been living?

Pinterest is probably in the Top 5 on the list of  "Things that Distract Women From Doing What They Are Supposed To Be Doing." We're always on Pinterest. That's a bit of an exaggeration, but not too far fetched. When you start saying, "Oh ya, I saw that on Pinterest", you're officially addicted. Welcome to the club; where you have to designate at least 20 minutes of your day (which turns into 2 hours), to scrolling through 'pins' of bouquets for our non-existent wedding, outfits we can't afford, DIY's that go way wrong, and recipes which require ingredients we never knew existed.

Basically, we all pin images to our designated boards marked "Yum", "Dream Wedding", "DIY", "Workout" and "Style"...and they just sit there. How often do you refer to that tutorial on a Wine Bottle Windchime? NEVER. We make all the time in the world to sit on Pinterest, but when it comes to executing things we find, we never have time for that. Crazy, right?

Here's where I come in. I'm kind of here to give you that motivation to actually do something with your Pinterest. Every Friday I'll be tackling a new 'Board' on Pinterest, either demonstrating what I've done, or giving you suggestions on how to actually use your board, rather than it just sit there collect quotes upon quotes upon quotes...

Board: Bucket List

I've seen quite a few people have this board. Other related boards may include "Travel", "Places I Want To Go", "Things I Want To Do".

So we pin all these ridiculously beautiful destinations and *sigh* wish we could be there. Some teenager has even taken the time to make a image that says "Learn the Choreography from Dirty Dancing" on a picture of them dancing (think "Sylvia...Yes Mickey?..How do you call your lover boy?...Come here lover boyyy...).

We have all created these pretty amazing bucket lists, but do we even use them as there supposed to be used? Isn't that the point of a bucket actually cross things off? Many of us are just pinning to this board because its fun. But why not do these things? Why not really live out your bucket list? Sure, some of them are pretty out there, and cost a lot of money and time. But start with little things...


This is my Grandma's handwriting. I get my tattoos done at Redwood's Wild Side Tattoo in Richmond, IL.

I've already checked something off my bucket list, and I hope to complete more. I have several places that I want to see in Hawaii listed on there, so I'm hoping I'll be able to knock a few items off my bucket list in August!

Hoping to share more Bucket List experiences with you in the future.

So take that Bucket List and do something!! Check out my Bucket List here.

On an unrelated note, I started my 31 Days of Spring Cleaning today. First up: medicine cabinet. Cleaned and organized!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Woman's Perspective: #selfie

Welcome to the new Wednesday Post! All types of topics being looked at through the eyes and mind of a woman.

What is a Selfie?

Selfie (noun): a photo which has been taken by the person in the photo, with the intention to post it on a social network.

Selfies go way back. First, 'Myspace Pic'. Then, 'Mirror Pic'. and now, Selfies. Same words, just evolved.

As I'm perusing through Urban Dictionary (so legit, right?!)  for definitions of the above words. I keep coming across words such as 'conceited', 'slut', 'ugly', or 'no friends'. If these words are truly associated with those who take selfies, that means myself, as well as at least half of my friends, are ugly conceited sluts who I'm actually not friends with...?

We all do it. I do it. I take pictures of myself and post them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Guilty.

Why do we do it? Are we conceited? Are we desperately looking for compliments and attention? Maybe.

Maybe we just want to show that we are having a good make-up or hair day. Or maybe we just want to share a smile (or a duck face....)

If taking selfies is labeled with such desperation and annoyance, why do we still 'like' and comment on those photos? Maybe we actually enjoy looking at the beauty of other women, specifically those ones that we call friends. Maybe we like giving our friends compliments, because they deserve it, and we mean it.

I'm not sure where the whole obsession with taking pictures of ourselves began, but I guess you can call it a form of art. It's a self portrait, and we want to express how we are feeling in that moment. It's just progressively becoming a 'normal' thing to do as more outlets are created for us to post on.

The "Artistic" Selfie
Taking a picture of yourself in a unique way, rather than just in the mirror or direct shot.
Why did I take it? I wanted to take a 'bean' picture like no one else...

The Mirror Shot
So typical. Big flashy reflection.
Why did I take it? Because that's what teenagers do.

The Kissy , Extended Arm, Eyes Off Focus Face
Why did I take it? I was getting ready for a Valentine's Night out, trying to be flirty.

The Sexy Face

Why did I take it? Uhhh, I guess at 18(?) I was 'feeling sexy'....

The Humor Selfie
Why did I take it: I thought I was being funny and being me. Clean freak & Wine-O

The Pretty Selfie
Where you are generally feeling beautiful
Why did I take it: I want compliments NOW

The Drunk Selfie
Self Explanatory....
Think your looking hot...not so much. I actually look like I've been drinking and dancing all night, which I did not think would come out in the I took it in a bathroom....
I'm honestly so ashamed. At least I can look back at this now and be like "Hey I lost a lot of weight. Hey, don't let anyone put a camera in my hand while drinking .Hey, never make that face."

Of course, as I'm sure many can agree, if at least 60% of your photos are of you, you need to tone that down. How many times can we tell you that you look sooo pretty with your 'sexy face'? Yes, you may judge me by my photos I've just posted, but this is  for examples people ; ) I like to keep selfies at about 30% of my photos. No more.

So why do women do it? It's not often you see men taking photos of themselves. I know every time I get caught taking a selfie by my boyfriend, I get a "Uh, what are you doing?" Shamefully I say, "..nothing." Damn it, I'm taking a picture of myself because I feel good. I feel like I look good today and I want more than just a few people to see it. I mean how often does a good outfit or 'face' day get wasted because the only people we see are our co-workers and the homeless man that shouted at you on the street? I'd like some more compliments than "mmm... baby you so bootiful. Can you spare some change?"

Who doesn't love a compliment? Who doesn't like having a little extra bounce in their step?

You know that deep down inside, you look damn good, and you're hoping that someone will see it. That person may be your significant other who needs a pick-me-up at work.That someone may be the ex who needs to see what he had, the crush whose eyes your trying to please, the girl who called you ugly, those 'people' from high school. It's okay to feel satisfied about yourself. Posting a picture about yourself does not mean you are self conscious. I've seen the most confident women post selfies, because they know they will make men and women stop scrolling down their news feed to admire a piece of art.

In the end, I think we continue to post pictures of ourselves because we want to see how we look through other peoples eyes. We want to see what other people see, not only through the picture, but by how many 'likes' and comments we can receive.

Monday, February 25, 2013

What Are You Wearing?

Welcome to my Monday Posts, where each week I'll be talking about a product I love. Of course like my previous posts on my favorite products, you will always find money savings tips and humor. Have a product you think I should try? I'm always up for new things, so let me know, and I'll review it!

"What Are You Wearing?"

Probably one of the top questions that I get asked on a daily basis. We aren't talking dirty here. We aren't talking designer. Well, unless you're talking about perfume.

I have an obsession. Perfume.

Thanks to my mother, I have a quite unusual love for fine fragrance. Not just on me either. On men. On other women. In the Store. Walking in Macy's Fragrance Department is like Christmas morning.

I would also say I have quite a talent by identifying fragrances on others. It's kind of creepy, but I can get one wiff of you, and I know the perfume. To prove I'm right, I will ask you. No matter where we are. This happens most often when I'm working at the host stand. My normal spiel of "Do you have a reservation?" turns into "Are you wearing Burberry Body?"

Now, this is not an inexpensive obsession, my friends. Designer perfumes are as much as a week's worth of groceries. If you want to have a 'signature scent' by all means, buy that Chanel. But if you're like me and must wear a new scent each day, you've got to find other options besides Givenchy.

Now I'm sure you'll notice the Prada and Chanel right up front, but that's because sometimes I'm spoiled by my Perfume Addict Mother.

Don't want to drop a hundo on a good smelling liquid in a fancy bottle? Not a problem, I got those too.

I still get PLENTY of compliments on:

Bath and Body Works Body Mist
How much you'll spend: $14
My Favorites: Sensual Amber, Twilight Woods
Cons: Since it's a Body Mist and not a 'perfume' the scent doesn't last as long. You will need to reapply often. It helps if you put in on right after the shower, and if you use the matching lotion ($11). Or BBW offers Eau De Toillette's in some of their signature fragrances, which run at about $30. Still cheaper than department store!
For the Men: They offer Body Sprays and Eau De Tiollette's in Men's Fragranes as well. Same prices as above.

Celebrity Perfumes (Available Outside of Department Stores)
How much you'll spend: $6-$30
Examples: JWoww (Yes, I own this.), Britney Spears, Justin Bieber, Jennifer Lopez
Where you can find these: Target
Cons: These are normally smaller bottles, they run out faster. They also sell designer brands at Target, but again they are the smaller bottles, and the value (and sometimes I swear the product quality) is not as good as department stores.
For the Men: Usher, Michael Jordan

OMG Moment: As I was searching on for more examples, I found one of my favorite fragrances that was discontinued in department stores. FCUK by French Connection. Just in case anyone wants to spoil me for a bit...

Clothing Store Perfumes
How much you'll spend: $11- $40
Examples: Gilly Hicks (have it!), American Eagle, Hollister, Charlotte Russe, Victoria's Secret
Cons: It might be a little embarrassing going into some of those stores because only high schoolers shop there , eh hem, Hollister. But it smells soo gooood
For the Men:
All these stores have men's fragrances as well. I've always love AE and VS men's fragrances.

So tell me, what are some of your favorite fragrances? Any I should try? I'm always up for fragrance donations :)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Get All Up In My Business: Where I've been this past...month.

Well, according to Blogger Statistics, it shows plenty of you read my last post about 'needing you help.' I got a whopping two of you who gave me advice, that is very much appreciated. Wish I had more to go off of, but that just means that if you don't like what I'll be writing about, you should have participated when I was looking for opinions. Of course, I'm always taking suggestions along the way.

Here's what I came up with:

I'll be trying to write every other day. Mostly on Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays..and probably one day on the weekend to give you a blurb about my life (just like I am now). I have decided to create certain 'subjects' on those days, but you'll have to wait. They might change every once in awhile to keep you on your toes.

I think the last time I gave you an update on my life, was at the beginning of the year..when I had the flu. If you wanted to know, I'm feeling great (well, considering its been over a  month now). I feel like everything else in my life though has pretty much been going the same since I started this blog. Still working the same jobs. Still in the same apartment with the same great boyfriend. There has been little up's and down's here and there. Luckily, my boss at Sweetchic gave me an awesome book called "One Line a Day: a Five-Year Memory Book", so I can look back and recall what I actually did. Nathan and I have been trying to fill this out every night. We were doing really well...starting to slack a  bit, or our lives just aren't that interesting that we need to take note.

 Here we go:
I dropped a pant size. YAY!

I got a new tattoo in memory of my grandma (blog post to come).

I was able to see my Twinnie Twin Twin and her rock (oh, and Steve ;) ) when they came back home.

I thought about running the Chicago Marathon. I've chosen not run, as I would have only a week to make my final decision, and lets face it, I'm not that spontaneous.

We saw the move Side Effects. I recommend it. Make sure you bring someone along who you can have a critical thinking conversation after.

We found out Nathan has to go to India. Yes, you heard me right...INDIA, not Indiana. It's for work. I'm proud of him, but very anxious. It's only for a week. I'm used to having him travel within the U.S ..only for three days..and only 1-2 hours time difference. Now were talking it's bedtime here, and he is just starting his work day there. With my funky work schedule, communication is going to be really difficult. If you know me, you know I'm not very optimistic, so of course I'm only thinking of all the bad things that could happen. And jealous, because the Taj Mahal is on my Bucket List.  I'm super anxious. I'm not quite sure how you military spouses/girlfriends/boyfriends do it (Yes, I know your situation is a lot more anxiety-causing).  But, do you have any suggestions for the time zone difference? Any suggestions on how to  get rid of my anxiety that he will be so far away? I heard India has a lot of gold...some great jewels...some great jewelry. Hint. Hint.

Registered for the Color Run!

For Valentines Day, I made Nathan some delicious treats and a card. I got some chocolates...and tickets to the Blackhawksssss. Woop Woop Woop. We are going tomorrow! Super excited. If there is one thing I know how to cheer its, "Lets Go Hawks!"

For our V-Day Celebration (on that Saturday) we checked out a place called Municipal Bar. Not anything fancy, and your typical  bar atmosphere. I was all like "I don't really want to go to a nice dinner because I'm not really that fancy type of girl." Well it turns out this girl likes to be wined and dined occasionally. Yes, I still had a great time, but the atmosphere was the complete opposite of what 'Valentine's Day stands for'. Looking at Municipal Bar as a place to grab drinks and dinner though? Hell ya! I thought the food was pretty good, and there menu was better than your average bar fare. The layout and design of the bar is really awesome. Very Chicago-like with maps and diagrams of the CTA system on glass walls. Exposed brick. Huge Bar. Lots of T.V's. Those big round comfy booths that can fit like ten people in them. Attractive women in skintight black clothing (if you like that sort of thing). An extra detail that I really loved was the check came in a 'parking ticket' envelope. It's the details like that, that win me over. I would  recommend Municipal Bar for larger groups who want to go out to watch a game or who are celebrating a special night (bachelor/ette, birthday) before you really hit it hard.

We will be going to Hawaii in August! Any places we should check out?

I started training for a half-marathon. No, I don't have a particular race in mind, but it's great training to get in shape for whatever race I want to do! I'm a week in and going strong.

My dad had back surgery, but is recovery great and quickly!

Well, for having my life not change that much, there sure are a lot of little things going on. I think I have you all caught up. Sorry its so long. If I keep this blogging going, I wont have to bore you like this very often.

Watch out for another blog on Monday. I'll be talking about one of my obsessions (can you guess what it is?), and how I still get away with it while on a budget!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hey You! Ya, You! I need your help. Seriously.

Oh, this is just a shame. I have literally neglected my blog. It's just so hard to keep on top of this. It was just a mere month ago that I was apologizing for something like this before. and I prooomised that it wouldn't happen again. Well aren't I just a disappointment? I would have dumped my ass by now.

I'm going to try to go about doing this blog a different way. I'm going to make it more organized. Somehow the most organized person (uh, me) didn't consider doing this before because 'I thought I could handle it just like this. That I would simply remember to post..a lot.' I was wrong.

I'd like to start organizing the blog by having each day be a category. It will remind me to write. That doesn't mean that I will write every single day (because lets face it, I don't always have time for you), but pretty damn close.

But I need your help. I know what I like to write about, and I know how I like to write it. For instance, I love writing how to's with sarcastic, stereotypical humor, but are still useful. I love talking about myself and what is going on in my life because its clear my mind. I like talking about Pinterest, weddings, fitness/health, saving money, beauty/clothes, relationships...pretty much anything.

But what do you want me to talk about? What do you enjoy reading? How can I write it so it's more entertaining for you? What are some of your favorite posts that I've previously written? That may give me a good direction.

I've thrown some ideas around, and I could come up with these categories on my own, but your input would be greatly appreciated. Just to give you an idea what direction I was headed in (although some of these are too cheesey , that I don't think I can move forward with them...)

$$ Monday (obviously about saving money...because that's what I love to do)
Tip Tuesday (the tip could be about anything, which is where I'm looking for your help to tell me what you want me to write about...)
Either like a Work Out Wednesday or Fitness Friday
How-To Thursday

What I would really like to do is keep Saturdays and Sundays to a more personal blog. Kind of keeping you up to date on my life, other than on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Foursquare...

I also wouldn't mind having days just simply dedicated to crap on Pinterest or being a domesticated lady.

Please *hands clasped together* Please *falls to knees* PLEASE *starts shaking you by your legs* give me some input! I don't want to disappoint! Feel free to either comment on the blog itself  or in a comment on FB, or tweet.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Valentine's Day - Lesson 1

It's about a week away from everyone's favorite Hallmark holiday; Valentine's Day. Regardless of the history of the day, it's turned out to be a 'buy all the mushy-gushy stuff you can to prove that you love your significant other' and the person that usually does all the buying is the man in the relationship. I'm not saying this is right, or that I don't show my man some love on V- Day, but its the truth. You know it. Get over it.

Now, this post may be pointless, as I'm not sure many men actually read this blog, but I do hope to make some ladies chuckle. Maybe, just maybe, your man with stumble upon this post and realize it honestly does not take much to please a women on this holiday. He doesn't need to break the bank. Yes, some guys will order two dozen roses, and have them waiting at your dinner table where he will spend $50 on a Filet the size of three fingers. Some guys will buy a $100, life-size teddy bear that will collect dust in your closet. Yes, some guys will propose to their love on this day, but that's a one time thing, and don't expect him to exceed that V-Day gift the next year. These are the exceptions to the rule. Women are easily amused, and just seeing you put in some effort is what she is looking for. She just wants you to acknowledge her, not necessarily the holiday. Let her know you care, appreciate, and love her.

Need some inspiration, men? [Ladies, take notes, start dropping hints.]

Buy a Card
Good: Hallmark actually makes cards that are .99. Wish her a happy V-Day.
Great: Take the time to actually find a card that truly says what you feel. There are people out there, hopeless romantics, whose job it is to write exactly what you are feeling but can't say. They do the work for you, you sign it. Boom.
Above and Beyond: Buy a card, and write your own message. Something personal, romantic. I know, scary right? Grow some balls and show us how you really feel or you will never have the chance to.

Go Old School...Make a Mix Tape
Good: Make her a C.D/playlist with generic love songs that she will still listen to all the time.
Great: Actually make her a personal C.D/playlist with songs that either a) remind you of her b) how you feel about her c) songs that mark milestones in your relationship (ex. a song that played when you just met, first dance, songs you like to get down to...ha, oh ya.)
Above and Beyond: You sing? You play an instrument? You know what to do. Unless you're bad. Please spare us the heartbreak.

Good: Take her out. Doesn't even have to be for dinner. Could be brunch..or just drinks. Spend a little money, nothing cray.
Great: Make her dinner at home. Make it like a scene from a movie. Not that hard. Light a candle, set the table. Actually clean your place....
Above and Beyond: It's hard to go above and beyond without breaking the bank for this category. But I would suggest, if you met at a bar, or your first date was at a specific restaurant, take her there. Re-create those beginning moments.

Sweets & Treats
Good: Chocolate.
Great: Wine
Above and Beyond: Wine AND Chocolate. Heaven.

Good:  A single rose.
Great:  A single stem or bouquet of her favorite flower
Above and Beyond: Have her favorite flower waiting someplace special (the dinner table, when you open the door, when you come home, on the bed...)

Just Take Care of Her
Sometimes a woman just likes to be catered to. Maybe she's been working a lot ; give her a massage. She's stressed; let her beat the shit out of you in Call of Duty. She's feeling down;Tell her you love her. Sometimes words are the only gift she needs. She's sick; Make her tea, pop in a movie, snuggle in bed, and let her pass out in your arms. << personal experience. it was lovely. Just what you need when you're under the weather.

..and when all else fails.

Buy Lingerie
Can't really fail at this. Go to Vicki's. Flirt with the sales associate. Tell her that your girlfriend has  about the same size boobs as her. Have her pick something out. Watch your girl squirm and giggle that you actually 'picked out a pair of panties' (besides who doesn't love a new pair of underwear!?) and her in them. It's a win-win. But you're going to pay for it. Those panties aren't cheap, my dear.

In the end, it's not about how much you spend. It's about you two as a couple. He should be able to pick something out that expresses his love/care for you, or fits your relationship. If he's a simple man, not so good with words, a single rose may be what you receive. But that's him. Simple, still beautiful. You need to know and understand that the fact that he actually acknowledged you, and in turn, celebrating this 'holiday', is a big deal. There are PLENTY of 'men' hem...boys...who refuse to participate in any sort of festivities because

  • "I don't believe in that holiday"
    • What he really means: I'm cold. I don't do the whole love thing. Run. Leave now.
  • "Why should I have to do something for her, when she won't do anything for me?"
    • Uh, I'm sorry, but we put up with a lot of your manly gross habits and crap. We do a lot. And whose to say that if you actually were to do something for us, then we won't reciprocate the favor?
  • "I don't have money" 
    • Invalid excuse. I just told you what to do. Geez, you only have to spend like $2.00 on a card...
  • "I don't know what to get her"
    • If it's chocolate or made of grapes or sparkles or smells sweet or romantic or soft.... you're in the clear.

If you both have come to an agreement that you both will not be participating in this holiday, that's great! I just hope you are being honest with yourself, and that you aren't deep down inside hoping for a surprise.

Men, Good Luck. May you truly put some heart into this.

Ladies, I hope you are shown all the love you deserve.


Friday, February 1, 2013

What I Learned From My Mother...

There are a lot of things I've learned from my mother...

1) You can never have enough perfume
2) That everyday is a Bon Jovi day
3) Your mother is meant to be there to be your best friend, you can tell her anything
4) Big noses can be sexy on a man
5) Drunk, stupid girls are not attractive (I can't even begin to tell you how many times she reminded me this                                                                                                          in college...)
6) You can always come home, family will always be here
7) Always make your bed, you never know who will stop by (but mooooom, I can just close the door...)
8) Find a man who makes you laugh, and that you actually want to be around all the time, and you'll be happy
9) All the lyrics to Prince's hits because of Purple Rain (I never meant to cause you any sorrow..I never meant to cause you any pain...)
and what we will be discussing today...

10) always make a grocery list

To think that this lesson has stuck with me through all these years is no surprise. It has to do with planning, and anything to do with creating lists and staying on track is automatically filed away in my brain (probably even at the age where I was still content sitting inside the cart just creepily staring at the other grocery shoppers with my big panda eyes, to the point that they think something is wrong....) You must always go to the grocery store...with a list!!! Your trip is guaranteed to be doomed if you walk into the store without a list. All those sales tactics and marketing/placement tricks they spend months talking about in their corporate headquarters (like placing the discounted Funfetti Frosting and Cake Mix on the end caps ...) yup, their gonna get ya. Don't be a fool to those gimmicks, make a list, here is why....

1) Saves Time
It gets you in and out of there quicker. Have you ever tried going without a list? It's like all of a sudden this store that you've been to a bajillion times and I can tell you exactly what is down aisle five, becomes this foreign land and you end up strolling around with this stupid look on your face (for some reason, I'm picturing this face to be the Jenna Marbles "Just Make This Face" look. Yeah, that one. And now your doing it. Attractive.) Point being, you make a list, you're in and out in 15 mins tops.

2) Buy Things You Actually Need
When you have a list, you go off of whats on the list. Your brain knows this. I can't explain it, it just works like that. It sees 'nanners'. Okay legs, walk to the produce aisle. On the way there you didn't even notice that Oreos were BOGO Free! Talk about a way to stay on your diet....

3) Stick to Your Diet
See above. I suppose this only works though if you only write down healthy things....

4) Forces You to Plan Your Meals wouldn't just make a grocery list of just random crap, right? Right... you're making a list of ingredients of things you need to make meals. You are not just going to sit in the grocery store and be like, "Hmmm..what do I want for dinner on Thursday night?" NO. Do this at home. It's people like me who are going to give you 'tude and groan at you when you're blocking half the aisle staring at what noodles you want. I will run you over.

5) You Won't Forget Anything (unless you forget to write it on the list)
The worst is when you think that you've got this 'mental list' going on. No, they don't work. You will forget something. You wake up in the morning and the worst thing bought coffee...but no creamer. I could use milk...and I probably will, but that puts a rough start to my day which will probably turn out to be a bad one #optimismatitsfinest

6) You Save Money

See Number 2

7) For Those in the Concrete Jungle...You Aren't Struggling to Walk Home..
...while your bags are digging into your wrists,  you're biggest fear is the plastic ripping and having your Snickers (that you just haaad to have) fall out in the middle of the street. Again, if you have a list, you only buy what you need (see Number 2).

8) Gives You the Right to Say 'NO'
Women know that the worst thing that you can ever encounter in the grocery store is..dun dun shoppers. They leave their carts in Aisle 5..and they are in Aisle 11. They NEVER make lists. They were told to buy tampons, milk, and eggs..they come home with Q-Tips, Beer, and Chips. Some of us though, have been forced to make this scenario worse..and dun dun dun...bring along our man. If you make a list, you have the right to say "No. Is it on the list? No, it's not. So we aren't getting it." And just start walking away. He'll most likely put that box of Reese's Puffs down because the moment he loses sight of you and you turn down the next aisle..he's lost. It's unfamiliar territory. Although, sometimes, like with a small child, you have to let them buy one treat. You wouldn't want him to be pouty the rest of the day because he can't get OkeeDokee. Point is, avoid bringing your man at all costs, because list or not, they will add extra things to your cart. Which will not save you time, money, or calories (unless you're lugging all that home) and you will still forget something. 

Monday, January 28, 2013

WTF?!?! STFU!!

When I lived in Johnsburg, and it came to noise in the middle of the night, there wasn't much to worry about. If you did hear a lot of noise, something was wrong. The most you would hear is your neighbors neglected dog  who will just not. stop. barking. All it would take was a simple 'SHUT UP!' out the window for the silence to begin again. Sure, people had parties. They were either in someone's basement, so  it was very unlikely you would hear, or outside in the summer. If your party was outside, and you lived in a neighborhood, you never had to worry about how loud you were, because in our small town, there was no one to disturb.... because everyone was there! If you weren't in a neighborhood, you lived on a farm. Which allowed you to pretty much do whatever the hell you wanted. BIG bonfires, kegs in the backyard, and cornfields to pee in.

For the most part, the 'burbs are quiet.

Moving to Chicago, I knew I was in for a rude awakening. That awakening happened every night for a straight week when my first dorm apartment was right next to EL. Sirens at all hours of the night. Children (aka underclassmen) running down the halls yelling. But eventually you just started getting used to all that. Even my next dorm apartment and my boyfriend's apartment were blocks away from the tracks. Didn't bother me. It makes going back to the burbs weird. The silence almost becomes noise, stinging your ears.

Moving into the apartment we are in now, I was thinking we can handle any excess noise that may be produce outside our building. As we speak I can hear sirens (a police station is two blocks away!) and the Green Line is just one block away. We can handle that.

But what I can not handle is idiot, ignorant neighbors. Lately, I've been seeing way too many of my friends Facebook status's about asshole neighbors blasting music and yelling at 2 A.M. I've been there! I've been one of those people bitching about my neighbors.

Unless you are wealthy, when you live in Chicago, you will either live in an apartment complex, or a house with two or more units. When you live in Chicago, as anywhere else, you have the right to have people over whenever you want. You have the right to play music. When you live in Chicago, you need to understand that there is probably only a couple inches of plaster/wall between you and your neighbor.

You should know, and accept the fact that:
  • If you don't use your inside voice, we can hear you. I will judge you.
  • When your fighting with your partner/spouse, we can hear you. As I'm sure you can hear us. 
  • When your favorite team scores, you yell, they can hear you. When your favorite team loses, they can hear your profanities. 
  • When you have your girlfriends over for wine night, your neighbors can hear the 'woo' girl, and they'd like to strangle her. 
  • If you're getting freaky, and you push your partner against the wall, we can hear you.
These are things that I have learned to accept that I may hear out of my neighbors, and they may hear from us too. It's about being considerate. Making sure you do these things at normal hours and are just simply AWARE of your neighbors.

You should know, that the following  are completely unacceptable:
  • Playing any type of music late at night/early morning. If you can't hear yourself speak and the beverage in your glass is rippling to the beat, its too loud.
  • Bringing back 50 of your drunk friends at 4 A.M, 25 of them women with stripper heels. click. click. click. thump. "hahahaha. I'm so clumsy." No, you're drunk.
  • Having drug-related fights on a Sunday night, when you live in a building with families. 
  • Threatening the guy in the hallway who is pounding on your door because you owe him money and you stole his girl.
  • Having your bass so loud, that our bed is vibrating, and I'm forced to re-arrange my furniture, so I can sleep without feeling like I'm in a Motel 25 cent vibrating bed. 
What I don't understand is how oblivious people can be. How stupid. The problem is, the society that we live in today, I don't think some of these 'trouble neighbors' actually think they are doing something wrong. 

Let me explain those different types:
The D.J: (he/she may also be in a band) They work weird hours. They don't live in our world. They get up at 4PM, lay around till 11PM, go to work, and continue the party at 5AM, and go to bed at 11AM. They don't notice anyone who isn't living this lifestyle, and that includes their neighbors. If you confront them, they will most likely be drunk or in the clouds, and have this 'it's not my problem' attitude. The worst part about it is they pull out the 'This Is What I Do' card. They act like we are trying to stomp all over their dream if we ask them to pipe down. Yeah, your music does suck, but be my guest, continue your normal hours...The 'Everyone Is So Against me 'card, "people are always trying to make me look like the bad guy(uh, I'm sorry but who is the more productive member of society?). Oh, and if they pull out the 'Race' card, just walk away. You aren't going to win.

The Drunk: they don't realize they are being that loud. You've been there. Give them a break, unless it happens every night (which in that case they made need AA) or its music that is loud. If its the person banging stuff around and talking real loud, they'll pass out soon. Hopefully.

The Oblivious One: they honestly have no idea how thin the walls are. They don't know that your bedroom wall is right up against their speakers. They don't know you can hear their conversations. They don't get the picture. Confront them. Tell them exactly whats up. You might think they are playing dumb when they tell you they had no idea about the noise, but really, they are that dumb.

What do you do if it just won't stop?
  • Grow some balls.
  • Confront them first, unless its a situation where you think you are in danger.
  • Call the cops. Every time it happens. No matter what hours. Our neighbor was having ragers that would start at 7AM and go till 5PM. Technically that's not within 'quiet hours'. But its OBNOXIOUS and disturbing the peace. Call the cops.
  • Contact your landlord and/or management. Give them details. Every. little. detail. 
I still can't wrap my head around how people are these days. How someone could be so ignorant and stupid that they know deep down inside that they are being disruptive, but they truly do not care. How do you live like that? Why have I only encountered these types of people in the city? I'm sure there are some in the suburbs, but not so frequent. Is this something the city does to us? 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

It's Not The Size That Matters..

Since I've done about every other beauty product I use in my daily 'getting ready' routine, I figured it was only fair we go into make-up. I didn't want to make this a typical 'How I Apply my Make-Up' post, because lets face it, those include a 'no-makeup' photo, aaaaand I wasn't sure if I was ready to expose that to the internet world. Sure, I go outside without make-up on, even to the store now, but over the Internet? That's scary...yet challenging. Let's do this. Judge away. Bring it on.

FYI: This may be a some-what short post. I'm not one of those girls who cakes on make-up to look like a pageant contestant on Toddlers&Tiaras (Yes, I'm guilty of watching that.)

Make-Up is my final step of my getting ready routine. I take care of my facial cleansing needs, and give my skin time to absorb in the toner and moisturizer before putting on make-up,
so its not trying to settle all those layers at once.


Here we go...Naked Face >>>    
Clearly, you can tell I'm uncomfortable taking this picture. Ignore the hair in these pictures. Its wild as I didn't tame my bangs yet.

So as you see, my skin complexion is NOT even. I have acne spots and redness.

First Layer: Foundation & Pressed Powder
What I use: MAC Matchmaster Foundation & MAC Pressed Blot Powder.
Why?: I needed a foundation that evened out my skin tone..and that LASTED. One of my biggest complaints about make-up is that it doesn't last all day. I used to use Bare Minerals, because its great for oily skin, but I'd have to reapply at least 10 times a day. So over it. MatchMaster evens out my skin tone, and lasts pretty much all day (I may have to touch up some 'troubled spots'.) Their Blot Powder is great because it just settles in your make-up for a flawless look, also sealing in the make-up for a long-lasting wear. Re-apply it throughout the day to soak up oil deposits.
What happened to my frugal-ness, you ask? Yes, although MAC is expensive, it has benefits (plus, I've been using it for years, and you all know how I feel about change...) MAC has a recycling program that after you've used 6 of ANY of their products (foundation, mascara, lipstick...) keep the containers, turn them in at your MAC counter or store and receive a free lipstick (at MAC stores its a free eyeshadow.) See? Something free in the end..and its being GREEN!) I should get paid for this..that sounded like a great sales speech.

Picture: You can see my skin is more even, a lot less red,  and I feel more comfortable :)

Second Layer: Eyeliner & Mascara
What I use: Maybelline Line Express Eye Liner in Black & Maybelline Great Lash in Blackest Black
Why?  I honestly go to Ulta and pick out the cheapest thing I can find. They all work the same. Trust me. I've tried them all. Those special brushes? No. It's not about the size of the brush, but the way you use it :) Meaning, curl your eyelashes before applying mascara. World of a difference.

Oooooo normal face!
What did we learn today:
You don't need to slather yourself in 12 different beauty products to hide up your 'flaws'. Find a few good products and stick with them. Here is how I always saw it (or at least when I got older...).

Scenario: You meet a guy out, and your Bronzed Up, False Eyelashes batting away, and a solid thick line of eyeliner ..around your whole eyeball. You might look great that night, I'm mean you did catch his eye right? But what happens after lets say the third date (or maybe the first for some of you....) you decide to stay the night. You wake up, that Bronzer is no longer on your face, but on his pillow. One falsie is struggling for dear life to stay plastered to your eyelid, while the other is no where to be found. ...and those raccoon eyes....oooo those eyes. So you have three choices, let him see you like a hot mess, or book it out of there so everyone else can see you looking like a mess on your Walk-Of-Shame or third, go wash your face and have him kick your ass out cause he couldn't recognize you without your mask on, and its not what he was expecting (okay, this sounds like he is a little shallow, but I wouldn't be surprised). From experience, the night I met my man, I had just gotten off work, no time to reapply make-up..and it was raining...that hair..oo it was bad. The good thing? He still liked the way I look, and each time after that too. Now that I'm living with him, it was an easier transition ffrom him to seeing me with make-up all the time, from him to seeing me pretty much all the time without make-up.

Do yourselves a favor the natural beauty you are :)