FYI: This may be a some-what short post. I'm not one of those girls who cakes on make-up to look like a pageant contestant on Toddlers&Tiaras (Yes, I'm guilty of watching that.)
Make-Up is my final step of my getting ready routine. I take care of my facial cleansing needs, and give my skin time to absorb in the toner and moisturizer before putting on make-up,

Here we go...Naked Face >>>
Clearly, you can tell I'm uncomfortable taking this picture. Ignore the hair in these pictures. Its wild as I didn't tame my bangs yet.
So as you see, my skin complexion is NOT even. I have acne spots and redness.
First Layer: Foundation & Pressed Powder
What I use: MAC Matchmaster Foundation & MAC Pressed Blot Powder.
Why?: I needed a foundation that evened out my skin tone..and that LASTED. One of my biggest complaints about make-up is that it doesn't last all day. I used to use Bare Minerals, because its great for oily skin, but I'd have to reapply at least 10 times a day. So over it. MatchMaster evens out my skin tone, and lasts pretty much all day (I may have to touch up some 'troubled spots'.) Their Blot Powder is great because it just settles in your make-up for a flawless look, also sealing in the make-up for a long-lasting wear. Re-apply it throughout the day to soak up oil deposits.
What happened to my frugal-ness, you ask? Yes, although MAC is expensive, it has benefits (plus, I've been using it for years, and you all know how I feel about change...) MAC has a recycling program that after you've used 6 of ANY of their products (foundation, mascara, lipstick...) keep the containers, turn them in at your MAC counter or store and receive a free lipstick (at MAC stores its a free eyeshadow.) See? Something free in the end..and its being GREEN!) I should get paid for this..that sounded like a great sales speech.
Picture: You can see my skin is more even, a lot less red, and I feel more comfortable :)
Second Layer: Eyeliner & Mascara
What I use: Maybelline Line Express Eye Liner in Black & Maybelline Great Lash in Blackest BlackWhy? I honestly go to Ulta and pick out the cheapest thing I can find. They all work the same. Trust me. I've tried them all. Those special brushes? No. It's not about the size of the brush, but the way you use it :) Meaning, curl your eyelashes before applying mascara. World of a difference.
What did we learn today:
You don't need to slather yourself in 12 different beauty products to hide up your 'flaws'. Find a few good products and stick with them. Here is how I always saw it (or at least when I got older...).
You don't need to slather yourself in 12 different beauty products to hide up your 'flaws'. Find a few good products and stick with them. Here is how I always saw it (or at least when I got older...).
Scenario: You meet a guy out, and your Bronzed Up, False Eyelashes batting away, and a solid thick line of eyeliner ..around your whole eyeball. You might look great that night, I'm mean you did catch his eye right? But what happens after lets say the third date (or maybe the first for some of you....) you decide to stay the night. You wake up, that Bronzer is no longer on your face, but on his pillow. One falsie is struggling for dear life to stay plastered to your eyelid, while the other is no where to be found. ...and those raccoon eyes....oooo those eyes. So you have three choices, let him see you like a hot mess, or book it out of there so everyone else can see you looking like a mess on your Walk-Of-Shame or third, go wash your face and have him kick your ass out cause he couldn't recognize you without your mask on, and its not what he was expecting (okay, this sounds like he is a little shallow, but I wouldn't be surprised). From experience, the night I met my man, I had just gotten off work, no time to reapply make-up..and it was raining...that hair..oo it was bad. The good thing? He still liked the way I look, and each time after that too. Now that I'm living with him, it was an easier transition ffrom him to seeing me with make-up all the time, from him to seeing me pretty much all the time without make-up.
Do yourselves a favor the natural beauty you are :)
Do yourselves a favor the natural beauty you are :)
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