Bet you thought I forgot about all this, didn't you? It was the holidays. Things got crazy. This was put on the back-burner. Kind of like one of those relationships where "I like you. I like spending time with you. It's just I really really need some space. My life is like, so crazy right now." In reality you were just looking to have a really good time with out having to worry about that person. Just as I wanted to enjoy my holiday festivities without feeling obligated to blab about it on here. Eventually you end up crawling back to that person, "You know that space that I needed? Well, I did a lot of thinking, and I really think we should get back together.." So here I am begging for you to accept me back into your lives, and I hope that you will. Because we have a whole damn year ahead of us, and I don't feel like preachin' to nooobody. (That may or may not be the case already...)
Soooo, what did we miss?
Christmas: It was great. I got spoiled. Not complaining. Twinnie got engaged (this should make some great blog posts).
Boyfriend's Birthday: I got him what I call 'an experience' gift. Rather than giving a gift, I'd rather make a memory. I bought him a BYOB sailing trip for two on the lake. TIP: Check out Bloomspot. It's just like Groupon, except I've found more things I've liked on here.
NYE: FUN FUN FUN (and not too hungover the next day!) success.
My Birthday: I hate when people ask what I did on my birthday. Well, lets see. It's National Hangover Day...I slept. I ate. I slept again. Just what I wanted.
and now, I have the flu. woo. hoo.
This blog is about budgeting and things of that nature, but I don't even know how to save money when you have the flu. First, I paid $75 for pills (add an additional $10 for co-pay). Then the doc tells me I can't work for a week. Um, I'm sorry sir, WHAT? No work? No money. No money? No happy Courtney. TIP: don't get sick. it costs money . and its something you don't want. No returns or exchanges (Hi, I'm sorry I didn't ask for the flu. Can you take this back and bring me a paid vacation instead?)
So for the past week, I've been pretty much just sitting here in my apartment, bored, with a boyfriend who refuses to kiss me (and he had his flu shot!! ugh!). Today is actually my last day of hibernation. I'm allowed to become a part of civilization tomorrow. So although this post is completely useless, this is my promise to you: more is coming. It's just kind of hard to write about anything when I've been enjoying my time bundled in blankets, drinking o.j, and watching Channing Tatum dance to 'My Pony' (my saddle's waitin' , come and jump on itttt. Damn, I love that song.)
Stay healthy everyone! Bath and Body Works is almost done with their semi-annual sale. Go pick up your self some anti-bacterial. Sanitize everything. Take Vitamin C. Get fresh air. Exercise! Eat right..or try to! Two words: Flue. Shot. Don't be stupid like I was "hahaha I don't need a flu shot." Hahaha..yaaaaaa.
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