Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Woman's Perspective: St. Patrick's Day

For women, St. Patrick's Day has become the new Halloween. The one night (now the second) a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it. Thank you, Mean Girls.

St. Patty's Day has become a day where we dress up like Slutty Irish Fairies; tutus, knee socks, tiaras, and all. 

St. Patrick's Day is where women indulge in their inner child and wear stickers on their cheeks and glitter on their eyes.

St. Patrick's Day is when it becomes socially acceptable to wear green nail polish and not be accused of having a fungal infection.
St. Patrick's Day is when women where shirts with some tacky, yet humorous, phrase on their shirts that makes them sound like their trying to sell themselves. Oops.

St. Patrick's Day is when women completely blow their 'Spring Break' workouts and diets to chug down green beer and Irish Car Bombs. The day after St. Patrick's Day is when we bitch about how much weight we gained because of that beer, unless we threw enough of it up.

St. Patrick's Day in Chicago is when women actually get excited about nature; seeing the river dyed green, giving the go-ahead to start drinking all day.

St. Patrick's Day is when women follow the instructions on the pin "Kiss Me, I'm Irish"...well only if he's hot. After a few shots of whiskey, women follow the instructions on everyone, even if they aren't wearing the pin.

St. Patrick's Day is where all women want to be with an Irishman. The next morning, their complaining he drinks to much and ..."Oh. My. God. He's a ginger."

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